International Conference
Energy security of South East European region and the national security
Sofia, Bulgaria, Inter Expo Center
"Bulgaria Before the EU Presidency 2018: New energy and industrial policies"
Next year Bulgaria will take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. As we all witness dynamic changes in the energy development of the region and also throughout all Member States of the European Union and the world, the Conference will give the opportunity to a plethora of stakeholders to discuss energy related issues with impact on both the region and EU.
Sofia, Serdica Conference Hall, Hotel Balkan
Sixth Regional Energy Conference
Energy Development in South East Europe: energy security, sustainability, investments and growth
Sofia, Serdika Conference Hall, Hotel Balkan
Обръщение на Програмния комитет
Уважаеми гости и участници в Шестата регионална енергийна конференция „Енергийно развитие на Югоизточна Европа: енергийна сигурност, устойчивост, инвестиции и ръст“,
Имам удоволствието от името на Програмния комитет да Ви приветствам на това значимо за енергетиката на България и региона събитие.
Sofia, Conference Hall Royal 3, Hotel Balkan
WASTE-TO-ENERGY International Conference
Technologies, Projects, New Opportunities for the Municipalities