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    Event information

    Under the auspices of the

    Minister of agriculture and food of Bulgaria

    H.E. Mr. Miroslav Naidenov

    General sponsor

    Green Forest Project (logo)

    and with the financial support of STRABAG

    The Forum has the goal to give awareness to municipalities and the business about the new possibilities, the advanced technologies and the multiple effects coming from energy utilization of different types of biomass stipulated in the new Act for the energy from renewables.

    In open discussion of different technology applications the participants will get information about the advantages and risks of different of their implementation. All principal groups of technologies will be presented – direct burning, anaerobic fermentation and high temperature gasification by prominent equipment suppliers, presenting as well their good practices in different projects. The participants will have the possibility to raise questions after each company presentation, related to practical implementation of the technology and possible financing.

    During the Conference a qualified simultaneous translation from English/Bulgarian will be available of all sessions and the follow up. 

    Event type:




    09:00 – 9:30: Oficial openning and welcome speaches

    Martin Dimitrov, Chairman of the of Parliamentary Commission on Economic Policy, Energy and Tourism

    MIROSLAV NAIDENOV, Minister of Agriculture and Food


    9:30- 10:30

    Pannel 1: Energy and ecological problems of the municipalities and the contribution of the new legislation in the area of biomass and waste treatment and utilization

    Moderator: Ivan Hinovski

    Zenko Zenov, Ministry of Agriculture and Foods, Executive Forest Agency,

    The new conditions and procedures in the adopted normative framework for longterm contracts of energy use wood supplies

    Grigor Stoyanov, Ministry of Ecology and Water,

    National politics for waste management and possibilities to turn them into energy


    10:30 – 11:00.: Coffee break


    11:00- 12:00

    Panel 2: Technologies and good practices in energy use of biodegradable wastes,

    Group 1: Direct burning technologies for different project scales

    Moderator: Doz. Dimitar Mladenov

    Polytechnik (Аustria), Tomas Hofmann, Green Energy out of Biomass
    Strabag (Germany), Markus Bolhar-Nordenkampf, Combustion of biomass in the fluidized bed with high efficiency
    Viessmann (Germany), Markus Kornfehl, Viessmann Bioenergy - possibilities and limits of energetic use of biomass"
    Erato (Bulgaria), Nikolay Vangelov, Good practices of successful implementation of renewable energy projects in the public sector and industrial sectors
    12:00- 13:00

    Panel 3: Technologies and good practices in energy use of biodegradable wastes,

    Group 2: Technologies for gasification and fermentation

    Moderator: Anton Ivanov

    Elekta Holding (Spain), Luis Sanchez, Waste to Energy: the technology
    Viessmann (Germany), Michael Groth , Anaerobic Digester Technolgy - Turning organic matter into renewable energy
    Basis-2 (Bulgaria), Drumi Drumev, Method for high temperature gasification of wastes



    13:00 – 14:00: LUNCH, offered by the GENERAL SPONSOR




    Panel 4: Technologies and good practices in energy use of biodegradable wastes,

    Group 3: Technologies for household wastes utilization

    Moderator: Hristo Kazandjiev

    Strabag (Germany), Mr. Markus Bolhar-Nordenkampf, Integrated waste treatment including residue utilization

    Siemens (Germany), Manfred Haselgruebler,

    Smart Energy from Municipal Waste – Presentation of the Concept of Siemens and Kelag-UT

    Martin GmbH (Germany), Steffen Scholz, The MARTIN WTE Syetem


    15:00- 15:45

    Panel 5: Options for financing of biomass projects

    Moderator: Georgi Mikov

    Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Milena Zoleva,

    Criteria and requirements for project financing under ELENA program of EIB.

    Energy Savings Ltd.,EIB credit line, Sevdalina Djabarska, Options, requirements and incentives under EIB Credit Line for EE and RES financing in Bulgaria.

    Fund for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Dimitar Dukov,

    Possibilities and criteria for financing of projects for energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy.


    15:45 – 16:15 Coffee break


    16:15- 17:15

    Panel 6: Preliminary studies of the effects from municipal biomass implementation projects

    Moderator: Prof. Atanas Tassev

    Liana Adjarova, Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies,

    Switch from coal and firewood domestic heating to high efficient biomass applications – the rational possibility for fulfillment of the national air quality obligations of Bulgarian cities

    Vladimir Valkov, Energy Agency of Plovdiv,

    Integrated effects from the implementation of the modern biofuels for heating in the municipal buildings and households.

    Dinko Penev, Аlliance "Еcology and Energy"

    The small CHP biomass power projects – stimulus for sustainable development of the municipalities


    17:15 – 18:00: Panel 7: Discussion and adoption of memorandum

    Panelists: Doz. Dimitar Mladenov, Anton Ivanov, Prof. Atanas Tassev, Ivan Hinovski, Zenko Zenov, Dinko Penev, Liana Adjarova


    18:00: closure of the conference


    Elektra, Eqtec Energy

    The MARTIN WTE System

    Фонд “Енергийна ефективност и възобновяеми източници”

    Schmack Biogas GmbH


    Martin DimitrovChairman of the of Parliamentary Commission on Economic Policy, Energy and Tourism
    Miroslav NaidenovMinister of Agriculture and Food
    Zenko ZenovMinistry of Agriculture and Foods, Executive Forest Agency
    Grigor StoyanovMinistry of Ecology and Water
    Tomas HofmannPolytechnik (Аustria)
    Markus Bolhar-NordenkampfStrabag (Germany)
    Markus KornfehlViessmann (Germany)
    Nikolay VangelovErato (Bulgaria)
    Luis SanchezElekta Holding (Spain)
    Michael GrothViessmann (Germany)
    Drumi DrumevBasis-2 (Bulgaria)
    Manfred HaselgrueblerSiemens (Germany)
    Steffen ScholzMartin GmbH (Germany)
    Milena ZolevaMinistry of Economy, Energy and Tourism
    Sevdalina DjabarskaEnergy Savings Ltd.,EIB credit line
    Dimitar DukovFund for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    Liana AdjarovaAssociation of Bulgarian Energy Agencies
    Georgi ValkovEnergy Agency of Plovdiv
    "Dinko PenevАlliance "Еcology and Energy"



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