10-11 APRIL 2025
The goal of the Conference is to bring together policy makers, technology developers, regulators and representatives of different industrial sectors with interest to SMR implementation for combined electricity and heat generation from all countries planning deployment of this technology.
EU and other international organizations and platforms for SMR development are invited to present papers and to participate in the discussions.
Open professional discussion on the actual development status and deployment of SMRs and their possible role for balancing the grids with prevailing share of renewable sources power generation. The gained experience in practical projects implementation in some countries will be shared. Area of prevailing interest is applications of SMR for cogeneration of electricity and heat, hydrogen and/or other products. Licensing status of some SMR prototypes will be presented and draft schedule of their market appearance to offer projects. Last but not the least is the topic of SMR application for refurbishment of existing coal plants.
Topics/panels for discussions are:
- EU and other policies for SMR deployment;
- SMR Readiness for Market Applications: World Review and Financing Issues;
- Regulatory aspects of SMR.
- Industrial applications of SMR and refurbishment of existing coal plants;
The venue consists of two forums: Conference and Exposition
The goals of exposition are extended to make possible direct contacts between project developers of nuclear projects and tehjnology suppliers to discuss the possibility for new deployments, state-on-the art of SMR technology and industrial applications, plans and projects;
Expositors are invited to show their capability for technical support to development of new industrial application, consulting services in new nuclear builds, reducing commercial risks for investors, resolving licensing barriers, NPP life extension, spent fuel and RAW treatment are also subject of interest;
Special interest for the power industry in East Europe is the implementation of SMR for coal power plants refurbishments;
Companies with experience in other fields related to nuclear energy are invited to share their achievements on the exposition:
- Uranium mining and uranium materials manufacturing;
- Advanced technology for radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management and/or treatment in commercial nuclear installations;
-Technology for operation life time extension of existing nuclear power plants;
- Design, procurement and installation of equipment and systems for nuclear energy;
- Capability to perform Owner’s Engineering Services to investors in nuclear projects.
Professional simultaneous interpretation will be available.
The organizers offer for free 2 stands in the Exposition area to 2 Bulgarian universities to present their achievement in the education and qualification of students and other man power in the area of nuclear energy.
Early registration fees have 20% discount of the listed entry price and will be available until January 10, 2025. The standard fees are applicable from January 11, 2025 to February 28, 2025. Participation fees after March 1st. 2025 until April 10, 2025 are 20% on top of the stated price.
There are participation and presentation fees, except invited guests, as follows:
-No fee for invited guest – speakers, and representatives of state administration, diplomatic bodies and universities up to 2 representatives from organization;
-Individual participation fee - 480 EUR;
-Corporate participation fee for group of 3+ persons – 360 EUR/person
-Presentation fee for technology advertisement during Conference- 2400 EUR;
-Exposition stand fee - 3600 EUR/stand;
Special offer
5000 EUR
(stand + presentation)
Two company representatives included.
Event catalog page /Add interview - bilingual
Banners 1 pc., production included
All other conditions are given in registration form.
Members of the Organizing Committee:
Dr. Ivan Hinovski, Chairman
Alex Nestor, President, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
Ass. prof. Dr Kalin Filipov, Technical University of Sofia
Desislava Vezenkova, Executive Director, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
Anton Ivanov, Deputy Chairman. BEMF
John Saroudis, Senior manager, Laurentis energy Partners
Peter Manchev, Bulatom
Elenko Bojkov, Executive Director, Chamber of Energy Communities in Bulgaria
Dr. Ivaylo Naydenov, CEO, Bulgarian Federation of Big Energy Consumers
Atanas Dobrev, Chief Secretary, Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency
Borislava Lazarova, General Manager, BEMF
Vera Djambazova, PR Consultant, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
Dora Tomova, Energy Expert, BEMF
Kristina Tabakova, Expert, Chamber of Energy Communities in Bulgaria